Welcome to the Asia Summer School
Asia is one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change in the world.
This course introduces research tools to examine evidence on the health risks associated with environmental risk exposures and to assess the health benefits of mitigation policies in Asia. |
Contents |
About previous editions |
Time-series regression analysis is nowadays a key tool in public health for investigating the short-term health effects of environmental exposures. The course offers an introduction to the ecological time-series design and the statistical modeling process for the most common environmental exposures (e.g., temperature, air pollution, dust, haze) in Asian countries.
Who should attendThe course is designed for postgraduate students, early career researchers, and personnel from universities, as well as researchers and practitioners working in public and private institutions across various research fields and nationalities. Places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. The course will be taught in English.
FacultyOur faculty includes professors and researchers from Japanese universities with extensive experience in environmental epidemiology.
VenueThe course will be held on The University of Tokyo main campus, conveniently located next to Ueno Park with good access to three subway stations and in close proximity to many museums, hotels, and restaurants.
The 1st edition in 2023 drew participation from almost 40 participants from China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. The 2nd edition in 2024 comprised 30 participants from China, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, the Philippines, Portugal, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand. The attendees included postgraduate students and researchers from public health, environmental epidemiology, and infectious diseases epidemiology.
What participants saidParticipants gave the course a top rating for satisfaction and expressed their intention to recommend it to others.